Dr.Sebi wives or family poison the world . Meds Sebi made to replace psychic meds and medical meds also organic and natural surgery's have been tampered with and replaced by unqualified bio chemist . Dr. Sebi has proven remedies which are not on new website change no more because of corrupt lying wives with no proof of marriage certificate . The legal wives who are due only what he gives by reincarnation estate laws . Hospitals with new batches of meds must not serve them old meds given 2 years ago by the Royal Commission Government if purchased with insurance free for low income family not Royal Noble a indefinite suspended government . This change in meds have led to distinctive gas smell cured by imodium ad to rejutivate the organ and ex-lax for release of all gas easy laxative can have a bad release to the toilet .

Dr. Sebi recognized that disease is a symptom of the accumulation of mucus and excess acid in the body. He believed that there is in fact only ONE disease, caused by eating acidic foods. When the body becomes acidic, it is forced to strip minerals from bones to restore alkalinity. Mucus is produced to protect the delicate cell membranes from acidic damage.
Compromised membranes and sticky mucus reduce the cell’s ability to absorb vital nutrients and remove toxic waste products. Blood flow is hampered, pressure builds, oxygenation is reduced and waste stagnates. This produces the ideal conditions for disease to develop and without proper nutrition the body's natural repair mechanisms can’t perform effectively.*
Modification and Electrification
Dr. Sebi taught us that many foods we consider natural have actually been genetically manipulated in laboratories that alter their electrical properties. "Cell food has to be electrical… because the human body is electrical," he said. "So the food has to be electrical for there to be chemical affinity."