God's Army
Black Pioneers
Black Collectives
Heavenly Host

Allied Force

Autokratōr (Greek: αὐτοκράτωρ, autokrátōr, pl. αὐτοκράτορες, autokrátores, Ancient Greek pronunciation [autokrátɔːr], Byzantine pronunciation [aftoˈkrator] lit. "self-ruler", "one who rules by himself", from αὐτός and κράτος) is a Greek epithet applied to an individual who is unrestrained by superiors. It has been applied to military commanders-in-chief as well as Roman and Byzantine emperors as the translation of the Latin title imperator. Its connection with Byzantine-style absolutism gave rise to the modern terms autocrat and autocracy. In modern Greek, it means "emperor", and its feminine form is autokrateira (αὐτοκράτειρα, autokráteira, "empress").
Enlisted Grades (E-1 - E-9)GradeInsg.AbbrvTitle E-1
NONEPVTPrivate E-2E2 rank
2 E-3E3 rank insignia
PFCPrivate First Class E-4E4 rank
insigniaSPCSpecialist E-4E4b rank
insigniaCPLCorporal E-5E5 rank
insigniaSGTSergeant E-6E6 rank
insigniaSSGStaff Sergeant E-7E7 rank
insigniaSFCSergeant First Class E-8E8 rank
insigniaMSGMaster Sergeant E-8E8b rank
insignia1SGFirst Sergeant E-9E9 rank
insigniaSGMSergeant Major E-9E9b rank
insigniaCSMCommand Sergeant Major E-9 SpecialE9c rank insigniaSMASergeant Major of the Army
A cavalry is a group of soldiers who fight on horses. Cavalry can also refer to any military unit that is quick and mobile. ... Traditionally, a cavalry is a unit of troops on horseback. When horses were a primary means of transportation, cavalries were a common part of war
Equality Meets Opportunity
1. Cooperation with a con scheme to adempt the king, ruler and God. Going as far as using preternatural to cover up and indulge in unjust actions.
2. Intentional ly and ingeniously implementing laws, acts, status policies, rules, procedures, processes etc. This was proven with the Regency Act of 1937 which was created intentionally when the queen found a true royal or
Jan 21, 2019
God who had hundreds of trillions on the islands with uncle, father and good friends.
The queen denied their dying wishes for the young ruler, the only proven living God to receive his land and other royal and business dealings. The queen, using feigned ignorance to cover up facts, moving books and documents from the ruler's house where the queen's father and uncle came as visitors for the purpose of studying.
1. Cooperation with a con scheme to adempt the king, ruler and God. Going as far as using preternatural to cover up and indulge in unjust actions.
2. Intentional ly and ingeniously implementing laws, acts, status policies, rules, procedures, processes etc. This was proven with the Regency Act of 1937 which was created intentionally when the queen found a true royal or
God who had hundreds of trillions on the islands with uncle, father and good friends.
The queen denied their dying wishes for the young ruler, the only proven living God to receive his land and other royal and business dealings. The queen, using feigned ignorance to cover up facts, moving books and documents from the ruler's house where the queen's father and uncle came as visitors for the purpose of studying.
Due to the sneaky, secretive nature of the previous women and men in the British Monarch, King George V1 and brother kept the young rulers powers a secret. With the queen not of proper age to understand world dealings or power sources, she was young and sheltered to facts like most royals or celebrity kids and did what she wanted for 50 years; marking 20 government shut downs and an obscene poverty rate with no one overlooking monarch duties, leaving God in no good feeling to leave the monarch open.
3. Deviating from its original purpose.
4. Misappropriating "my" funding and currencies.
According to the dictionary it is a form of government and politics.
The proper purpose of government is as the founding fathers recognized, to protect people's inalienable rights to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. The rule of law requires that people should be governed by accepted rules rather than by the arbitrary decisions of rulers. These rules should be general and abstract, known and certain, and apply equally to all individuals.
Constitutional governments are based on a previous commitment to freedom under the rule of law. The essential attribute of constitutionalism is a legal limitation on government. Under constitutionalism, rulers are not above the law, government power is divided with laws enacted by one body and administered by another, and an independent judiciary exists to ensure laws are administered objectively. An efficient and effective constitution allows government to function to protect the lives and liberties of citizens without violating the rights of some to provide gains to others.