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Allied International Force

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1) Armed Forces : Daily Executions of Government issued Death warrants , state to state and world wide and

Now added arrest unit work also


2) Oceanography : Coast Guard Captain , Sea Fireman , Lost & Found treasure and property division , Boat shows .


3) Logistics & Organization for Documentation , Dept. , Units , Squadrons , Fleets .


4) Programing , Equipment updating , system maintenancing , operations 


5) Cat work & Prep work (Gun Loader) :  Preparation of Artillery & Trucks , Tanks , Bombers or Patrol Car loading and prep also dispatching before and after the mission or war and day .


6) Civilian : Medical On call Doctors and Daily and Response Team Nurses , Doctors Medical assistance , Chef's and Line cooks , Investigation , CDL A & B drivers .


7) Murder Trained Division implemented on missions when whole Governments , Lawenforcement , Security firms etc cooperate or oppose war or corruption .


8) Spokesman and Spokeswoman Board : For Press outlets  , Newswires , Front desk news to have .


9) International Military Tribunal (courts)  Jails unlisted for detained (state sentence) , Preternatural or Purgatory .


10) Global Revamp team : From security firms for meeting and instillations of Government purchased upgrades to all states community , commute and environment also Spokeswoman and Spokesman .


11) Fugitive watch , Preternatural captured , Warrant squad , Division to locate , search and find face & body change suspects and fugitives & ingiginous creatures .

Greatings from the Royal commission Government and Allied Powers on another podcast dealing with laws you are and are not bound by any more . Now U.S Gov politics out the world filed call any united nations with feds FBI and Congress forever gone .Here are the laws for child support laws for store fruads laws for fake false arrest laws for judges to go to jail in exonerated cases .

Royal Commission Government find the world with food stamps ,train station s new sewage system free lighting bill , Paved countries , with afro turf ,new school system ,free college like fed student loans 9 hour Global revamp movie that came to lives .While Closing Congress who established politics forever document sealed in the United Nations .while the rob and steal from a country held as a.Melton pot giving the world back money forensicing whole banks finding stolen like lost accounts handed back classified mission Sneak America Politics a sneaky nation sneak a nation also Government jobs no lunch money handed back fraud state supposes to build money handed back plus businesses that are private you can get a check from.your first job McDonald's with Will and estate fraud looked back investigation over 200 years as Congress around and same age as earth World garnishment parking tickets summons fines handed to officers a old procedure Lawsuits ,Conjunctions investment money paid to courts before the 1970's never proper marked off by courts or police handed back to the hand of proper owners . Rooms of money held by feds and Congress seized and Classified Sneaky nation legal banks closed by the Federation gov legally closed and Federal never approved to open stole moms home bank in her house Rush by fraud FBI agents with a illegal fee of 1million dollars when feds pay 10k from the government licence then over charge 300k more a year All given back to the hands of the proper owner By International force Allied AIF 2 year similar Assembly meaning full 24/7 Work all over the worldapply .

United States Government abolished indefinitely in the United Nations for 3 years Allied full assembledment day in NYC and the Government Review explained below the recovery of Hundreds of trillions returned to honest tax paying citizens of America stolen by Congress , feds and politics of the us

government some 600 hundred million minimum Americans got money back in the recovery stage of the Anyltical war on politics Holy war ended and the Remove of President Biden on the Scheduled day of the Live TV Gov. Review in Washington hosted by Allied International Force lead by Supreme Commander King Kev

Rules Guidelines for Soilders Commanders and Civilian personnel of Allied Force

Tips Donations and Gifts are excepted to website link on https://Allied or to the hands of

service members of AIF
No home cooked food on duty can be excepted the

only rule and order by Supreme commander Governments can only recieve money at stipend in

check memo written or cash said to be stipend But international force registered Tips donations and gifts are excepted to the hands of the Soilders ,Commanders ,Civilian staff and whole force .

No service member is required to give detailed information about AIF mission classified means their ordered forbidden not to talk about classified missions and task only Dishonorable military like U.s

Army have to share every detail of their day mission or task to any and every citizen when they ask .

All reports require a direct cell or phone number for immediate call back . Please fill out entire Report form the more info the better . You must file form below to get a service member to talk to you about anything .

Case observers and investigated with in 24 hours of filing a formal military report on the website . Advise and info call Supreme Commander office Administration and Lawsuit Division call 424-588- 2025
Or email

24/7 7 days a week Work immediate hire at Allied international force

On-Call : Jobs and missions you want to except Full time 8 hours
Partime time 4 hours

Remote work

Sign on Bonus $5000Δ- $20000Δ Overtime bonus


Pension Retirement Free health care

Gangster Military 🎖

Gangster Military God's Army of heaven Led by Hollow be thy name thy kingdom come on Earth as we prepare for war in heaven .This military ranking on Angeles (full ranking for Angeles listed below) was started in heaven with around 2000 biological Sons born in heaven and grandsons of God sent down and down from heaven who some by medical testing are millions of years old proven in court . Historic figures , nobles , warriors , Chief Angeles , Arch Angeles and Angels , Original Barbarians , Heavenly Host who voud never to leave heaven or do positive to devote the life to murder , Robbery and killing ending 2000 years with no sense less murders the reason they devoted they like to murder was the feeling if Jesus of Nazareth and the Mason was excepted by society over God they worried if the Masons are taken as a way of life to have evil a synonym for evil or demon making preternatural equal to good or positive in the beginning and Creating stage of the world . Over the century's never leaving thier father
Jesus Christ unprotected on earth as he was in heaven . Now on Earth finishing a century's old war on Preternatural , Mason , secret societies some know as God's Army of heaven as the Brooklyn and New York Robbery Squad and Murders and Killer training camps here as God's Army from heaven a.n.a Gangster Military .


Who is God's first angel?

Therefore, the first creation by God was the supreme archangel followed by other archangels, who are identified with lower Intellects.



Who leads God's army?
God's Army was led by brothers Johnny and Luther Htoo beginning in 1997, who were at that time estimated to be only ten years of age. Some of the followers of the twins believed that they had "Animist and Christian powers".



What are God's soldiers called?
Heavenly host (Hebrew: צבאות sabaoth or tzva'ot, "armies") refers to the army (Luke 2:13) of

angels mentioned both in the Hebrew and Christian Bibles, as well as other Jewish and Christian texts .



Who is the angel of God's Army?
The first of only two angels mentioned by name in scripture is Michael the Archangel. He is God's chief warrior (Dan 10:13,12:1; Rev 12:7). He is the equivalent of a five star general or admiral.



Who is the Prince of the heavenly host?
Glorious Archangel St. Michael
Glorious Archangel St. Michael, Prince of the heavenly host, be our defense in the terrible warfare, which we carry on against principalities and powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, and spirits of evil .



Who are the 7-9 Fallen Angels?

The fallen angels are named after entities from both Christian and Pagan mythology, such as Moloch, Chemosh, Dagon, Belial, Beelzebub , Halo , Bouncer and Satan himself. Following the canonical Christian narrative, Satan convinces other angels to live free from the laws of God, thereupon they are cast out of heaven .



Who are the 3 main angels?
The three Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael are the only angels named in Sacred Scripture and all three have important roles in the history of salvation.



What angel is Gabriel?

The angel Gabriel is the herald of visions, messenger of God and one of the angels of higher rank. He makes God's message understandable to people and helps them to accept it with a pure heart. Until 1970, Catholics celebrated the feast of the Archangel on March 24.



Are there female angels?
Due to the association with beauty, Jophiel is one of very few angels to be sometimes portrayed as female. However, angels have no canonical gender, and are most commonly referred to by male pronouns.



Who is the greatest angel?
Jewish literature, such as the Book of Enoch, also mentions Metatron as an archangel, called the "highest of the angels", though the acceptance of this angel is not canonical in all branches of the faith.



Who is God's angel of death?
Before the creation of man, Azrael proved to be the only angel brave enough to go down to Earth and face the hordes of Iblīs, the devil, in order to bring God the materials needed to make man. For this service he was made the angel of death and given a register of all mankind.


Who is God's Favourite son?
Satan is the father of lies, but Lucifer is and always will be God's beloved son. Satan began to question himself and the evil that he had always be doing when he met a child who challenged him to repent from his wickedness.


Ranks in Gangster Military

Gonba Mafia Thugs Gangster Murders Killers

New York and Brooklyn Robbery Squad


In the angelology of different religions, a hierarchy of angels is a ranking system of angels. Higher ranks have more power or authority over lower ranks, and with different ranks having differences in appearance, such as varying numbers of wings or faces.


Highest orders






Middle orders






Lowest orders




 International military tribunal


Allied international Force

Royal Commission Government

Jails prison and detaining center in unlisted areas .

Transfer your any state jail , prison , time or from prison like Rikers Island transfer to our AIF Tribunals & Royal Commission Government Corrections Dentention Center Or Other sides like IAF Tribunal are for Preternatural and Purgatory also .

Correction's Detention Center at AIF tribunals Department :

Weekend visits outdoor : Two day on site Visiting release on the weekend .

Weekday visits are allowed Following the visiting hours .

Any clothing allowed

Commissary & essentials sold at AIF Tribunals : Clothes


100% Organic Marijuana

100% Organic Legal Herion , Dope , Cocaine , Extacy .


Classes , Group's for shorter Jail time .

Cell phones , tablets , Laptops allowed

Job's to earn and keep for release and also able to use for comosary . Entire different side of the Jail is Preternatural Department

Preternatural Department has no rights by law : Synonyms for preternatural












adjgreatly exceeding or departing

1 : Phone call a day 1 hour only of phone calls only privilege not a right Awaiting Execution During Grusom Interrogation .


Purgatory from Heaven :

For Preternatural synonyms Demon , Dishonorable Warriors , Dishonorable , Angels chief or 😈

arch , Dishonorable Historic figures , registered at the Medical Examiner office in all country .

For fugitives , indigenous creatures , Preternatural .

What is the difference between purgatory and heaven?

Purgatory is a temporary and transitional place, a concept of later origin than heaven and hell, in which the dead, through punishments similar to those in hell, are purged of lesser sins before release into paradise and heaven .

Purgatory, the condition, process, or place of purification or temporary punishment in which, according to medieval Christian and Roman Catholic belief, the souls of those who die in a state of grace are made ready for heaven.


About Us

Welcome , We salute you from The black Military & Allied International Force , Royal Commission Squadron , Royal Commission Government, Father Lee Foundation . Allied Is a International Force With Supreme Commander Autokrator with degrees in Cosmotology ,Chief Justice , Sussera A1 & A1 Advance marksman sharpshooter Executioner Chief of Police , & Government General Kevin "Cigs' Lee a.n.a Lloyd Been ,and Commander in Allied International force  completing mission now Global Revamp with the world being paved with astro turf and Luxury Business Modern & Sophisticated housing no less free and placed free on abandoned land , mountain beeing flatten for more space . Luxury , Business , Sophisticated , Train station system all over the world even the west Indies has Trans Alantic the West Indian Railways Lloyd Been Station , Free boiler system with the most advance technology in the world Sewer system free replacement in every country also Fighting the War on Apartheid and Geniside world wide now by force to place housing in Third World Country's.paid for by the Royal Commission Government .

  • Father Lee Foundation

  • The Revamp of Foster Care

  • "Children are the Future and the future is bright"

  • Baisley School Park

  • Recent Public Schools Equipment Update

Allied International Force is a registered International force and military assembled by the Chief Autokrator Kevin "Cigs" Lee proven by law and Medical science to be Jesus Christ and Lloyd been. A Autokrator is training and a ancient commander who's commanding role and rank is to rule in military or International force . With missions complete like The Persion War Ww1, Vietnam war / WW2 execution of hitler , FREEING Nelson Mandela from asylum making Asylums illegal in the world ,the execution of OSAMA BIN LADEN . South Korea Kim Jung-Un missiles project vanishing on launch day .U.s. DRONE strike killing bagdad Iranaian Qasem Soleimani execution of militas. Preternatural mission clearing underground underworlds , Dungeons and Mason holes world wide bringing thousand of years of artifacts , art , golden challis back land freeing souls and spirits & people from these under worlds. With many military assembled Allied international force is the biggest military in the world with Ally power like Commander King William of the Royal Army , Boyscouts, Junior Scouts ,Men Scouts , Original Calvry ,Royal Commission Gov With help from sons and historic figures warriors like Loki ,Blink TECHNOLOGY , iQ SECURITY FORCE , MEDUSUS , LA SECURITY FORCE ,D1 GANGSTERS ,MURDERVILLE , OUT THE GATE INC . ,INSIDE OUT , ROYAL COMMISSION SQUADRON , KILL ALL RATS , GANG LAND BY POOKIE  STREET INFORCEMENT , COMMUNITY EXECUTIONERS , ROYAL COMMISSION JAMAICAN MILITARY SQUADRON, CALVRY SQUADRON , FIRST CALVRY , ALLIED GIRL POWER FLEET SPECIAL THANKS TO ALL LISTED VETS FOR THIER SERVICE TO THIER COUNTRY .

Royal Commission Government1-2.jpg

*Awards ☠️ of ⚠️ Honor 💓 Bravery 🇵🇱Courage ☣️ *


"Allied International Force"


Law updates are in effect now since 2022 law status ,sentencing in all states ,court and gov. Guidelines , procedures and processes has changed and updated . The rules and policys of politics and the United States Government no longer apply to society America and their citizens . Like no smoking indoors it's law smoking is permitted indoors building can make no smoking policy but must make a disernated someking area in inpatient and detained jail or prison center . No more common wealth states for 2 years same sentence and arraignment process 24hrs from 3 days central booking process in city's till some commonwealth states it was 2 weeks till arraignment to get a court date for trail , time served or a contest in the case . Marijuana is legal to smoke indoors or out door s at any time of the day since 2020 . Marijuana has been legal to sale since the 1970 with a gov. Weed license for $500 or wholesale $1000 . Thousands of other updates properly implemented at the top of the year in mimorando the top of the year submitted to all government officials ,offices ,police , justice ,courts etc from the Royal Commission Government coming directly from the International government office .



Supreme Commander

Kevin Lee finished the

Holy war and Anyltical war 


With everyone signed or killed "spills of war" like Osama Bin Laden , Quasimodo, Saddam Hussein , Barrack Hussein Obama , Pas a rape William Alfred Martin , Issis Mohammed and the fraudulent Sunni Muslims  500 members of the some 1- 115th congress Former Queen Elizabeth II with pledges of government distruction , terror and mass rape for 100 years over May Day May .


Also Supreme Commander Lee ended the Anyltical war on politics and Congress with 2-3 documentary's , A book "Reincarnegro" in all bookstores Paperback , Ebook and Audio form the book that grossed over 10 billion dollars I sales in 2 years "REINCARNEGRO"  We the black Royals Gov. Review" to alert society what the Government did also to end the Anyltical war Singned and granted that the United States Government , Federal System , Politics & Congress are abolished indefinitely out the world filed in the United Nations .  We find out United States Government who used politics to serve the people frauded society and citizens for 2000 yrs .The Recovery stage in Anyltical war have 3 sets of  Forensic teams with whole businesses working under them contracted by Royal Commission Government and Allied International Force 1) Dept. is Will and Estate fraud by the Gov. And police of the U.s. gov ,2) World garnish 60 hundred million people are getting money returned every day from Investments , Conjunctions (Like a Lawsuits at the time of arrest) Lawsuit money paid to the courts to hand to person with relief in the case or out of court the process . Up into the 1970 United States Government policy was to hand the money payment or garnishment to the precinct , court or police officer . Also business fraud by lawyers during employment at 1000 of companies are being Forensiced if the job didn't give you lunch they may transfer the hourly wage for lunch for all the days not offered by job private or government who didn't offer  lunch .If proper salary wasn't paid for the position or matching your previous job salary starting you can receive a bank transfer with the explanation as a investigation in email and bank memo or $20 a week was missing for 10 years will be returned from 17 pages of companies won in court now the proper owner lawyers are  looking over and Forensiced old bank accounts of companies like McDonald's , Ford , Microsoft , AT& T , Mighty Quinn's , Universal Music Group & Universal Pictures , Sony , Def Jam Recordings and hundreds more .



Special thanks

to Commander and Autokrator over "HarlemHellfighters"


:"Tariq Sumpter" and Squadrons for the most on call and signed on mission with over 6at $100,000 ending of mission bonus .

The Hellfighters originated as the 15th New York (Colored) Infantry Regiment, a National Guard unit. Members of the African American community in New York City's Harlem district had long advocated for the creation of a homegrown military unit, but white politicians blocked several attempts at establishing such a body

The Harlem Hellfighters were an African-American infantry unit in WWI who spent more time in combat than any other American unit. Despite their courage, sacrifice and dedication to their country, they returned home to face racism and segregation from their fellow countrymen.

William Hayward. Indeed, their reputation preceded them, and it was the Germans who first dubbed them the “Hellfighters.” Some 1,300 of those Hellfighters were casualties of war, according to Peter Nelson in the book "A More Unbending Battle: The Harlem Hellfighter's Struggle for Freedom in WWI and Equality at Home."

The African American soldiers soon face intense discrimination from their white counterparts; they are eventually barred altogether from social interactions with the friendlier French. Mark is soon arrested by military police after defending himself against a provocation by white

soldiers. A frustrated Mark, insisting that he is fighting a "white man's war", transfers to a labor unit.

Anticipating the Second Battle of the Marne, the Expeditionary Force formulates a plan to retreat from the would-be German assaulted forward trenches whilst bombarding German supply roads. However, in order for this to be executed, the Americans must enforce the illusion that the trenches are still stocked with men by placing a "volunteer unit" left behind. Lt. Adams subsequently volunteers the 369th for this duty. Shortly before combat commences, Mark returns to his regiment, who rides out German bombardment of the forward trenches completely unscathed.







Territorial War in Kosovo



Congratulations to Commander & Captain "Snoop" for the War in Kosovo finishing training cops for patrol , beat , investigation etc kosovonians learning the most advanced equipment in the world . 

Page 1 of 2Serbia/Kosovo Events of 2021 Pristina, Kosovo - August 26: A kosovar woman participates in a protest on August 26, 2021 in front of the Ministry of Justice, Pristina, Kosovo, organized by a union of women's rights groups after a young woman was tortured and killed allegedly by her husband on August 23. Protesters marched with the slogan "Murder of women should be treated as national priority!" Kosovo crime rate & statistics for 2017 was 2.62, a 25.29% increase from 2016. ... Kosovo Crime Rate & Statistics 2008-2022. Kosovo Crime Rate & Statistics - Historical Data Year Per 100K Population Annual % Change 2017 2.62 25.29% 2016 2.09 -10.24% 2015 2.33 -22.79% Is Kosovo safe right now? Northern Kosovo - Avoid non-essential travel Avoid non-essential travel to the northern part of Kosovo due to ethnic tensions and the risk of violence and civil unrest, particularly in the municipalities of: Leposavić North Mitrovica. Zubin Potok. Kosovo[a] within communist Yugoslavia had the lowest rate of crime in the whole country.[1] Following the Kosovo War (1999), the region had become a significant center of organized crime, drug trafficking, human trafficking and organ theft. There is also an ongoing ethnic conflict between Kosovar Albanians and Kosovan Serbs. The large Kosovar diaspora which had built up in Western Europe during the 1990s, combined with the political instability, created ideal conditions for Kosovo to become "Europe's crime hub"; well into the 2000s, Kosovo remained associated with both ethnic conflict and organized crime.[2] A Kosovo Police service has been built up under UN administration, beginning in 1999. It had an operational force of 7,000 officers in 2004, and further expanded to 9,000 by 2010. The deplorable crime rate led to an additional deployment of civilian law enforcement resources of the European Union to Kosovo, under the name of European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo in 2008. Originally scheduled for two years, the duration of the deployment was extended twice, as of September 2012 scheduled to last until 2014 History War crimes Kosovo: the untold story When Slobodan Milosevic's troops began slaughtering ethnic Albanians in Kosovo, the West feared a repeat of Hitler's Holocaust. Nato bombed his forces. Then, on 12 June, the Serb dictator unexpectedly admitted defeat. 

Here, for the first time, The Observer can reveal secret details of Operation Bravo Minus - the daring allied plan to drive Milosevic from power - and how a spy leaked details to Belgrade Additional reporting by Chris Bird in Pristina, John Henley in Paris and John Hooper in Rome Page



Special thanks to Allied International Force

"Girls Fleet" 

Clearing unlisted area Sanitation dumps that damage the ovonlayer we're unlisted area like the ride on Amtrak from Ny where bottles and cans waste in whole acres or bare land all are clear of waste creating cleaner air for better breathing heavy polution is over said by Geologist and environmentalist .

Only in 1994

Supreme Court, in 1934, to stop dumping in the open


Turns out, the dearth of garbage disposals is caused, in part, by a 1970s ban that rendered them illegal over concern that the city's older pipes couldn't handle the churned-up trash

did New York City close down its last

municipal incinerator. Ocean dumping, too, is largely a

thing of the past. After protracted quarreling with the

state of New Jersey, New York City was forced by the

The most polluted ocean is the Pacific with 2
he annual Antarctic ozone hole reached an

rillion plastic pieces and one third of the plastic

verage area of 8.9 million square miles (23.2

ound in this ocean circulates in the North Pacific

million square kilometers) between Sept. 7 and

yre. An ocean gyre is a large system of circular

ct. 13, 2022. This depleted area of the ozone

Which ocean is most polluted?

 New York City close down its last

 municipal incinerator. Ocean dumping, too, is largely a

 thing of the past. After protracted quarreling with the

 state of New Jersey, New York City was forced by the


The most polluted ocean is the Pacific with 2

he annual Antarctic ozone hole reached an

rillion plastic pieces and one third of the plastic

verage area of 8.9 million square miles (23.2

ound in this ocean circulates in the North Pacific

million square kilometers) between Sept. 7 and

yre. An ocean gyre is a large system of circular

ct. 13, 2022. This depleted area of the ozone

Which ocean is most polluted?








  United States National Academy of Sciences estimated in 2022 that the worldwide entry of plastic into the ocean was 8 million metric tons of plastic per year.


“Over time, steady progress is being made, and the hole is getting smaller,” said Paul Newman, chief scientist for Earth sciences at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. “We see some wavering as weather changes and other factors make the numbers wiggle slightly from day to day and week to week. But overall, we see it decreasing through the past two decades. The elimination of ozone- depleting substances through the Montreal Protocol is shrinking the hole.”

The ozone layer – the portion of the stratosphere that protects our planet from the Sun’s ultraviolet rays – thins to form an “ozone hole” above the South Pole every September. Chemically active forms of chlorine and bromine in the atmosphere, derived from human- produced compounds, attach to high-altitude

    olacyeearnocvuerretnhtse fSoormuethd Pbyoglelowbalswsinlidgphatltytesrnmsalnledr ftohracneslaosftthyeaErarathn'sdrgoetanteiornally continued the o



 polar clouds each southern winter. The reactive chlorine and bromine then initiate ozone- destroying reactions as the Sun rises at the end of Antarctica’s winter.

Researchers at NASA and NOAA detect and measure the growth and breakup of the ozone hole with instruments aboard the Aura, Suomi NPP, and NOAA-20 satellites. On Oct. 5, 2022, those satellites observed a single-day maximum ozone hole of 10.2 million square miles (26.4 million square kilometers), slightly larger than last year.

When the polar sun rises, NOAA scientists also make measurements with a Dobson Spectrophotometer, an optical instrument that records the total amount of ozone between the surface and the edge of space – known as the total column ozone value. Globally, the total column average is about 300 Dobson Units. On Oct. 3, 2022, scientists recorded a lowest total- column ozone value of 101 Dobson Units over the South Pole. At that time, ozone was almost completely absent at altitudes between 8 and 13 miles (14 and 21 kilometers) – a pattern very similar to last year.

Some scientists were concerned about potential stratospheric impacts from the January 2022 eruption of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai

l Th1991MtPitb ti


volcano. The 1991 Mount Pinatubo eruption

released substantial amounts of sulfur dioxide that amplified ozone layer depletion. However, no direct impacts from Hunga Tonga have been detected in the Antarctic 

War in Ukraine assistance by

Allied International Force



Allied International Force assisted in the war in UKRAINE donating supplies & equipment to the legal filed for war military in Ukraine .


Russia opposed war on Ukraine a different country in the same continent . Former President Putin is fighting for politics in their country since the United Nations has a filed and granted document on politics beening abolished indefinitely from the world since 2019 . Putin has illegally open up mass jails with over 700 prison found in Moscow alone whole buildings that house 5000 inmates 5 inmates found in prisons with 7 people only in the entire Jail building .

Celebritys , Athletes even common citizens for years who visit Russia can be jailed illegally for not wanting to say I believe in politics or for just     believing in politics . 

War up dates with the Chop Down mission tactic at war they Can't Politics legally and They say war Putin


By The Visual Journalism Team

BBC News

The latest fighting follows a major Russian defeat in the east.

Ukraine says it recaptured 6,000 sq km (2,317 sq miles) of territory from Russia in early September, when it forced back Russian units in the Kharkiv region.

Russian troops withdrew from the key towns of Izyum and Kupiansk, saying that the retreat would allow its troops to "regroup".

By The Visual Journalism Team

BBC News

  Ukraine's power grid under fire

Earlier in October, Russia appeared to shift tactics, targeting Ukrainian cities further from the frontline, with missile strikes for the first time in months.

Russian forces used Shahed-136 drones recently purchased from Iran in the attacks, as well as ballistic and cruise missiles.

Attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure by Russian forces have triggered blackouts in major cities, including Kyiv, Lviv, Zaporizhzhia and Kharkiv.

The latest Russian attacks come after Russian President Vladimir Putin accused Ukraine's security services of attacking the Kerch bridge in Crimea.

Ukrainian officials have not indicated whether their forces were behind the attack.

The 19km (12-mile) bridge, the longest in Europe, is an important supply route for Russian forces fighting in Ukraine.

 . Russia is preparing defensive positions across the Kherson region in anticipation of further Ukrainian advances in the south.

    Here are the latest developments:



Russian forces are building up their defensive positions in Kherson

Officials say they have completed the evacuation of the city

Ukrainian counterattacks are being held up by bad weather in the Kherson region

Ukrainian forces have made smaller gains in the east

  Ukraine makes breakthrough in south against Russia


Ukraine pushing forward in the south

Ukrainian troops are being hampered by bad weather after breaking through Russia's defences on the west bank of the Dnipro River in Kherson.

Russian officials in Kherson say they have completed the movement of civilians out of the city. At least 70,000 people are reported to have left their homes.

The evacuation may be in support of Russian plans to blow up the Kakhovka dam to cover their withdrawal, according to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

Russian forces have been building fortifications and defensive lines in the city of Kherson and Nova Kakhovka, which lies on the river's east




New Government Retirement plan 10 years working you Qualify to Retire same day you check with human resources .



Retire early not early retirement .


Retire Automatically today Retirement from the United States government now with the New retirement plan the Royal Commission Government has and your time on the United States Government counts 10 years consecutive or 12 years with 3 years or more not active at work call you local Government Human resources office for details today . 


The U.S government is abolish retire young no more 25 years active or work till age 65 with the new government transfered already the Royal Commission Government all you need is 10 years active concurrent at any job to a government position or government to government qualify for retirement just call or talk to your human resources department with the Royal Commission Government retirement  Your retirement can start to day some retire as.young as 26 yrs old starting at 16 years old . Working Time is transferred from the work you did with the U.S. Government to Royal Commission Government retirement so you don't need 10 years with the new government all time with the U.S. Government and former private sector job counts .


Government employees can retire now instantly...


All U.S. government employees who have 10 years of service with new old U.S. government you can file for retirement in seconds you get a response and walkoff the job that day with lump sum check and Bi weekly or monthly check which ever you choose retirement benefits for life .


Different than early retirement if your 26years old and retire cause you started working at 16 years you still qualify and with the new government retirement you can work the same or another job and collect 2 or more salary retirement check and new job keep the lump sum and no decrease to any retirement plan payment for second job . With just 10 years active you leave the day you talk to Human resources with minimum $15,000 lump sum and $4,000 bi weekly retirement check for life .


Pension & Retirement Laws 

Only way your retirement rights are waived and will follow you to every job you will ever have .


Under 7 minor Human resources write ups or submitted in righting complaints qualify 


1 criminal arrest or Civil case conviction job related . 




All government offices qualify U.S. postal service , Ebt welfare offices , human resources , Social security administration offices , MTA , 



Ask Questions : Q & A


Here's how you know 



Human Resources

Position    , Name , Phone


Chief Human Capital Officer    

Tyshawn Thomas 202-606-2646


Senior Advisor and Chief Negotiator    

Janet Smith    202-606-0246


OPM Human Resources Operations

Jessica M. Parton 202-606-8318


Employee and Labor Relations    

Anne E. Mortensen 202-606-0855


Chief Learning Officer    

Yadira Guerrero 202-606-7954


Executive Resources and Stategy    

Carmen Garcia 202-606-1048

Tuskegee women, 2.png
Tuskegee women, 1.png

United States transferred to the

Royal Commission Government world Gov. form updates .



Royal Commission Government is a registered world Government . Which welfare ,snap , ebt , ssi and all government payroll is now funded with The Royal Commission Government a world government plus former City , State workers world wide are now paid by the Royal Commission Government . Replacement of the abolished indefinitely United States government , Federal systems, Politics & Congress. Royal Commission Government is registered as a Aristracy & Communal government the original and most successful government form , like democracy we are now Communal "Every one treated equal" and the state of our Country is still America "Land of the Free home of the Brave" like a Republic state of the country in Dominican republic our stance or state of our country goes back to the people stance before the United States government we were American . With the U.S. government having no government funding account because of misappropriation of funds and a abolish U.S. government to start . All Countrys are now funded by the Royal Commission Government .


Transfered from the United States Government to the Royal Commission Government since 2019


Taxes have changed it's $7,000-$8,000 and up per child plus more benefits for dependents holders and all your taxes will be returned back to you at the Beginning of the year with automated filing  . 



Social security (mental health)and Suppliment income (Gov. General & family)

Citizenship in America

Government Identication


Allied International Force 


Employment for the 

Royal Commission Government & Allied International Force, police and cops hiring now , Administration (secretary) , data entry etc all fields  , no experience needed , experience is a plus . Opening hiring Correction officers in International military prison and courts 


Have any Ideas , Charity , Non profits , profit business , shelter or housing programs , jail or prison needs , society updates 


Royal Commission Government funding Request email for immediate call back 




United States Government is abolish indefinitely since 2019 filed by U.K parliament and Granted by the Government General Kevin Lee . All Dept. Payrolls funding now come from The Royal Commission Government a world government form registered with International government office . U.S.Police departments are closing in all states imploding all state building because of inforstructure , damage , liens the Gov. never repaired even stopping state inspections from taking place under previous administrations leading to not recording damage in state buildings , curosion , bed bugs in the wall , crumbling walls and ceilings , steel in every state , city buildings bars in Jails and precincts , MTA turnstiles and payment machines made from moltensteel a illegal form of steel which ingriedance was a mixture of the street top drugs burned together to make steel moltensteel only sold by the United States Government , Congress , and politics and confiscated drugs picked up from precinct evidence room by Federal System investigated by Fordam Law school all over the U.S. found in reports online in states like Ohio drugs picked up by Feds . U.S. police department is now replaced by the Royal Commission police and cops in all states in America . The new government that funds every country poverty rural nieghborhoops even to local soup kitchens , payroll for government jobs etc . The formal government review is coming up where Royal Commission Government and Allied Powers and there International Force will visit the White house for the formal live TV program showing the ending of Politics, United States Government, Federal System and Congress filed in the United National .


All news and press story's involving U.S. or United States government or fraudulent Federal government , Federal system , federal courts must immediately be changed to Royal Commission Government a world government the only government in America . Royal Commission now paying all salary to all government personel and officials ever funded by U.S. government are now transfered to the Royal Commission Government even Welfare , snap , ebt has been changed sighting the increase growing by good deed purchase by Kevin Lee & the Government General train station fully paid for being installed now  in every country , biolers and remodeling repairs in all housing authority projects in America formally the United States , public school buildings repaired and updates etc purchased by the President of Royal Commission Government Kevin Lee who is Allied international force Supreme commander which is associated with Tuskegee Airforce and The Black Pioneers , Black Collectives where Kevin Lee is Commander and Founder .


Found in the United Nations

For 3 years the U.S. government , Federal systems , Politics and Congress has been abolish indefinitely filed by U.K Parliament and signed and granted by Gov.General Kevin Lee so story's using ( U.S. gov United States government , United States of America , Federal systems , Politics , Congress , Bipartisan Congress are all illegal on news , press channels and newswire etc , Lawsuit's will be filed , Press website and newswires will and can be siezed immediately , Live and Daily news can and will receive dead air if facts are ignored .


The end of the Anyltical war with politics and Holy war against mass rape with the execution of Osama Bin Laden , Quasimodo , Saddam Hussein , and Issis (Malcolm Leader name) and the signing of Sanctions to the end of the holy war with tactics of mass rape is William Alfred Martin and Barack Hussein Obama . 


The end of the Anyltical war recovery stage is now in effect the United States Government fraudulent activity to the American people led to over 600 million Americans receiving lost and stolen money withheld by the courts & police department and other Gov. Officials , investments were also returned to investigated proof of owners of funds , police conjunctions are the one team in the recovery stage of the war and missions . Will and estate fraud are another team and who's working on private businesses that galch payroll , never paid  salary or proper salary or pay proper according to the contract agreed or matching there previous salary . So every day Americans also people across the world are getting money deposited in to bank accounts from old jobs who didn't let you take lunch or lawyer or accountant galch or pinch money from paychecks , your inheritance was not given to you properly or handed to you at the funeral . The American pride scheme let police and fraudulent probate lawyers for decades give for decades lied about Will & Estate , probate law . Some say you can present a letter as your dieing wish to claim a will or estate which is false if no Will of Estate is filed which has to be followed to the tea and only handed to the Executor on the willor jail time and forfeit your inheritance .If no Will of estate is filed by law in every state the business , funds , property must be given to the deceased biological children evenly . Children proven by hospital records no birth certificate allowed Birth certificate only prove citerzenship in court .


Money from courts repaid from lawsuits where courts use to collect the money at the court house up into the 1980's . Since the first lawsuits 2000 years ago the same time earth and U.S. gov has been around and more ways in court fees and illegal charges at court , investment money held by court , people who hand the court lawsuits money to give to Plaintiff a former process by the court to collect the money if you loss a lawsuit you can pay the court and the court will hand it to the winning Party . Funds are being automatically return to rightful owner bank account with investigation done by professionals and explanation of the crime and money withheld .


Investments which were never given to correct owner are being Computer Forensiced for app fraud and non payment by professional Forensic Accountants .


Conjunctions and police process where you get the fund of stolen property or debt for crime arrested for at the time similar to a law suit on arrest Just ask the officers at the scene.for a conjunction for the amount of theft or stolen item . The processes is to ask the police officers at the scene for a conjunction in the case by 3 weeks the money of debt must be paid or it goes in to garnishment . Over the decades the police on the United States Government have been collecting conjunctions at precinct or on the scene of the crime and never carryout proper process and give to complaints pinching or galching later used for other government funding .


Will and estate fraud by the United States Government is being Forensic and money is being sent automatically also . By law with no will and estate in all states funds are equally distributed to the biological children by medical records not Birth certificate which only prove citerzenship in court . If the person has a will and estate the rules of the will must be followed by law only executors on estate can receive funds , property anything left for he or she . Executioners in will and estate are the people who hand the executioner the properties and documented proof of ownership off new assets . They read the will to recipients at funerals or after the date and time of reported death was reported also watch  over to see if the estate has done wrong doing like fraud by family working in Businesses rotation of family who do work in the family business .



Federal Government being siezed , raided and buildings closed indefinitely  by the Royal Commission Government and Allied international force for rooms of cash used to fund the fraudulent Federal Government which never was registered and keeping high officials in the federal system with cash who knew about the rooms of cash withheld from the public confiscated on arrest home , evasions , hidden as a raid for drug money decriminalized never returned other money was citizens legal money illegally held from private bank who legally had different license than federal and the Fed system took their safe out their house in the days before computer and software described as paper bank before the 1960 and several other situations where the Federal system confiscated funds from people illegally with Federal laws that were never signed by God the proper process . To indite someone with the illegally Federal System with fraudulent laws .For decades mena and women of America has been going to the Federal jail system exonerated after decade's . The lease of occupancy has expired decades ago found on Google images . 





Aids virus , New forms of Aids contraction Automatic Aids

true Male to make intercourse. Stage 1 (HIV infection): The CD4+ cell count is at least 500 cells per microliter. Stage 2 (HIV infection): The CD4+ cell count is 350 to 499. Stage 3 (advanced HIV disease or AHD): The CD4+ cell count is 200 to 349. Stage 4 (Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome [AIDS]): The CD4+ cell count is less than 200 What are the 5 stages of AIDS? Stages of HIV infection Seroconversion illness. Some people experience a short illness soon after they contract HIV. ... The asymptomatic stage of HIV. Once seroconversion is over, most people feel fine and don't experience any symptoms. ... Symptomatic HIV. ... Late-stage HIV. Automatic Aids : Form of Aids contracted by male to male sex . If a male ejaculate and let off semen into another man both men contract Aids Automatically thats the significance names of the name of type or stage called "Automatic Aids" (swindle street name Auto) not to be confused with Autoamun disease. Automatic is the most contagious form of Aids with 15 touches of hand to hand contact you can contract "Automatic Aids" so for Women or men who aren't homosexual but a wife or family living with a openly or closet homosexual contract this highly contagious disease just by sitting in the same chair with shorts or riding in a cab and your skin touches the seat wearing shorts , you can contract "Automatic Aids" . After the deadly full-blown Aids contracted mostly thrue Std (Sexually transmitted disease) is Automatic Aids . Hiv is the symptoms of catching aids .With proper treatment all aids you can heal from and it's not undeveloped in hospital. All hospital's that treat Hiv , full blown aids or Automatic Aids have successfull treatment for all forms of Aids . First Thiers Inpatient that consist of live in facility with 24 hour lock door proceedure and most hospitals treatment is no longer than a weeks and you come home recovered . Outpatient mean you can go home everyday but have to report to Aids treatment everyday for 3-6 weeks minimum for full recovery from aids if you don't report local police can escort you to treatment if unwilling by force for your safety and health but more importantly the people around you who can contract this disease easily not alerted by the infectious . Dr. SEBI son website has the organic colinipin which guarantees to get rid of all disease and infections etc. . With Rejuvenation of all organs coming from this pill you can order the colinipin online and deliver to your house in days . Testimony of SEBI Colinipin Rapper Lil Kim : Who suffered from a rare melon skin disease which Michael Jackson is the only other case where his entire body was covered having this rare skin Melon disease . The colinipin taken 2 years ago rejuvenated her organs sending her skin tone to her original color just rejuvenated back to the purist texture which can be inhanced by multi day Vitamin . Just Taken Dr.Sebi organic colinipin surgery a pill and 1 hour bed rest also made for children . Page 1 of 7

Page 2 of 7List of Different forms of Aids Desmond Tutu 21 301 2020 Facebook page opens in new window Twitter page opens in new window Instagram page opens in new window Desmond Tutu Health Foundation 5 Strategies to Cure HIV You are here: Whilst a person living with HIV can suppress the virus with antiretrovirals, there is no cure. A cure for HIV would be the total eradication of the virus from the body. However, this is not the only option that scientists are looking into. Here are some of the strategies scientists are looking into for an HIV cure. Light Painting | JonathanCohen via Photopin Shock and kill technique HIV hides in reservoir cells in the body and can remain silent as long as a patient takes antiretroviral therapy. As soon as a patient stops taking ARTs, the reservoir virus wakes up and starts replicating all around the body again. Shock and Kill would ‘wake up’ these reservoirs to activate the silent virus. Whilst counter- intuitive, the idea is to wake up every single virus and kill all the activated cells, destroying the reservoir in one go. If one virus survives then there is always a risk that it will be able to duplicate and the virus will return. Currently, scientists have identified drugs that will ‘shock’ or ‘wake up’ the silent reservoir cells. The next challenge is to identify a drug or method that can subsequently destroy these infected cells and avoid healthy cells. When destroying cells in the body, there is always a risk that drugs will target healthy cells, so this research moves carefully to avoid unnecessary damage. References Pharmacological reactivation of virus as a cure strategy – Locks and Lockers | Eyad Elbayoumi via Photopin Lock and Block Technique The ‘Lock and Block’ technique takes the opposite approach to ‘Shock and Kill’. This method aims to trap HIV in its reservoir cell so that it can never be reactivated. Whilst the virus is still Page 2 of 7

Page 3 of 7present in the body, it is trapped away so that it cannot escape its host cell and cannot replicated. This technique is being looked into as an alternative to ‘Shock and Kill’. Scientists are currently testing drugs’ abilities to effectively trap HIV in a host cell without disrupting the genetic material of uninfected cells. Ideally, a drug would lock HIV away then deplete the reservoir so there was no possibility of the virus returning. Current issues that are being researched are drugs not locking away HIV tightly enough. References strategy (‘block and lock’), designed to silence the HIV reservoir, rather than eradicate it. The goal of this strategy would be to increase treatment intervals and maybe even obtain a state of ‘HIV remission’. Due to the non-inducible property of the ‘deep’ viral reservoir, the ‘permanent silencing’ approach could be considered as a suitable cure strategy. Unlike ‘shock and kill’ strategies, this approach focuses on silencing or locking the HIV-1 proviruses in cells. Radiate | sax via Photopin Stem Cell Transplants Only one man has ever been ‘cured’ of HIV. Timothy Ray Brown, otherwise known as the ‘Berlin patient’, was cured of HIV after receiving a stem cell transplant for another condition. Due to a rare genetic mutation in the donated stem cells, Brown’s immune system could fight off the HIV in his body. Over a decade later, he is still HIV-free and actively campaigning for HIV research and speaking about his experience. A stem cell transplant involves destroying the body’s immune system, then introducing new stem cells that rebuild. This is commonly used to treat leukemia, a cancer of the blood and bone marrow that attacks the body. Brown had a stem cell donation from a specific donor who had a rare gene mutation. Most people have the gene called CCR5 in their DNA. This produces a receptor on human cells that HIV can ‘latch onto’ and thus infiltrate the cell barrier. However, this donor had the mutation called CCR5 – delta32 which produces a receptor that HIV is unable to interact with. The virus can no longer invade human cells and the human host is resistant to HIV. When Brown received the stem cells with this CCR5 – delta32 mutation, his body DNA adapted and he became resistant to HIV. However, the details behind why Brown was cured of HIV are complex and difficult to repeat. Even repeating the procedure in other patients, their HIV has come back after a period in remission. There are still elements that scientists don’t understand enough to reproduce the results in other HIV-positive patients. Additionally, stem cell transplants are dangerous, expensive and require very specific donors otherwise the body can reject the new cells. Stem cell transplantation probably won’t become a mainstream avenue for an HIV cure. Personal Photography Cropped | Iron-Photographer Amarand Agasi via PhotoPin AntiRetroviral Therapy as a Cure Page 3 of 7

Page 4 of 7It has been shown that treating the virus within the first 48 hours of exposure can significantly reduce the size of the HIV reservoir hidden in the body. This method is suitable for certain people (e.g. new born babies of HIV-positive mothers), but will not work for everyone. In infants born to HIV-positive mothers, those who started ARTs within 6 to 12 months of birth had reduced mortality rates and a smaller HIV reservoir. However, many people do not get access to HIV treatment early enough and many people do not realise they have HIV until months after they are first exposed. This is another reason why it is important to go for an HIV test regularly so that you always know your status and can act quickly if you do become infected. Overall, researchers feel that ARTs alone will not make a cure strategy. Instead, ARTs might make up part of a cure package. References is apparent that early ART is instrumental in minimizing the pool of latently infected cells and most likely will be exploited further as a means to a functional cure Early HIV diagnosis and early antiretroviral therapy reduced early infant mortality by 76% and HIV progression by 75%. . The complexity of HIV infection—which establishes difficult-to-eliminate viral reservoirs very early—means that prompt ART alone may not be sufficient as an HIV cure strategy. Red Light | Travis Goodspeed via Flickr A Vaccine Whilst technically prevention and not a cure, a vaccination would be a powerful tool in beating HIV. Many HIV vaccines have been trialed and only one has had significant results. It is called the RV144 trial which started in 2003, in Thailand. A cohort received a trial vaccine and were tested for HIV three years later. From the volunteers, the rate of HIV was 31% lower in the cohort who received the vaccine compared to those who received the placebo. This study gave scientists hope that there could be a possibility for a vaccine. However, the strain of HIV found in Thailand is different to the strain found in sub-Saharan Africa, so the vaccine prototype needs to be adjusted the strains of the virus that are most common in South Africa. There are projects to create a vaccination however, it is complicated to create a lasting vaccination. Researchers at the Desmond Tutu HIV Foundation, an HIV vaccine trial, HVTN 702. This trial, which began in 2016, is predicted to run for five years. HIV-negative, South African adults receive a series of injections at five different time points that rally the body’s defenses against HIV. If successful, this could be the biggest step towards a vaccine and we are closer than we have ever been. Some trial work has been done to create infusions that give participants protection, but the protection only lasts for a month or so before another dose is needed. Many diseases in the past have been close-to-eradicated, if not fully eradicated, thanks to vaccinations: polio, mumps, smallpox, tetanus and measles to name a few. References Page 4 of 7

Page 5 of 7In the intention-to-treat analysis involving 16,402 subjects, there was a trend toward the prevention of HIV-1 infection among the vaccine recipients, with a vaccine efficacy of 26.4% ... In the perprotocol analysis involving 12,542 subjects, the vaccine efficacy was 26.2% ... In the modified intention-to-treat analysis involving 16,395 subjects (with the exclusion of 7 subjects who were found to have had HIV-1 infection at baseline), the vaccine efficacy was 31.2% In all, vaccines have brought seven major human diseases under some degree of control – smallpox, diphtheria, tetanus, yellow fever, whooping cough, polio, and measles. Still Searching for a Cure Research is still ongoing to find a way to beat HIV. Until there is a cure, HIV-infected people should access ARTs as soon as possible and stick to their daily dose. Written by Caroline Reid Alternative Treatments for HIV and AIDS Medically reviewed by Daniel Murrell, M.D. — Written by The Healthline Editorial Team — Updated on April 24, 2020 Treating symptoms Supplement safety Takeaway Alternative treatments for HIV Many people with HIV or AIDS use complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in combination with traditional medical treatments to improve their health and well-being. There is some evidence that CAM treatments can relieve some symptoms of HIV infection or AIDS. However, there is no evidence that these treatments can treat or cure these conditions. And there’s also little information regarding the side effects of these treatments. And just because a treatment is natural does not mean it’s safe. Some of these treatments can interact with certain medications. People with HIV or AIDS should tell their healthcare provider if they’re interested in using CAM to help manage their symptoms. Read on to learn about which options may be safe and which ones to avoid. Alternative therapy for HIV symptoms There is relatively little research on the use of CAM treatments for relieving symptoms of HIV or AIDS. However, some common CAM treatments have been shown to improve the symptoms of other illnesses. In some cases, these treatments might be worth a try for someone with HIV infection or AIDS. Body therapies Yoga and massage therapy may help reduce pain for some people. ResearchTrusted Source has shown that yoga can also improve feelings of overall health and reduce anxiety and depression. It has even been shown to improve levels of CD4 cells, which are immune cells that are attacked by HIV. Page 5 of 7

Page 6 of 7Acupuncture may help with nausea and other treatment side effects. Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medical practice that involves placing thin, solid needles into various pressure points on the body. This can release chemicals in the body that can help relieve pain. Relaxation therapies Meditation and other forms of relaxation treatment can help reduce anxiety. They may improve the ability to cope with the stress of a chronic illness such as HIV. Herbal medicine Herbal medications should be used with caution. There isn’t enough evidence to support the use of these drugs for relieving HIV symptoms. However, a brief course of certain herbs may support immunity in people with HIV. Research has shown that milk thistle is one example. Milk thistle is a common herb used in people to improve liver function and does not interact significantly with antivirals. Keep in mind though that other herbs may interact with conventional HIV treatments. People with HIV should tell their healthcare provider before using any herbal treatments. This allows their provider to monitor for any drug interactions or side effects. Medical marijuana Loss of appetite is common in people with HIV. And some antiviral medications can upset the stomach and make it harder to keep up with scheduled medication doses. Marijuana can help reduce pain, control nausea, and increase appetite. However, medical marijuana is legal only in certain states. In addition, smoking marijuana is associated with many of the same health risks as the smoking of any substance. A healthcare provider can provide more information. There’s little evidence to suggest that medical marijuana will interact with modern HIV management medications. Still, people with HIV should consult their healthcare provider before using marijuana to treat their symptoms. The provider will monitor for possible drug interactions or respiratory complications. Interactions between supplements and HIV treatment Supplements should be used with caution by people living with HIV or AIDS. Some supplements may be safe to use, while others could cause problems. People with HIV or AIDS should talk to their healthcare provider about what vitamins and minerals they should take to improve their health. Supplements to avoid Certain supplements are known to cause problems with the effectiveness of HIV treatment. Four of these are garlic, St. John’s wort, echinacea, and ginseng. Garlic supplements can make certain HIV treatments much less effective. If garlic is taken with certain medications, it could result in too much or too little of the drug in the blood. This problem outweighs any possible benefits of these supplements on the immune system. That said, eating fresh garlic is not known to cause problems. St. John’s wort is a popular supplement used to treat depression. However, it can make HIV treatment less effective. People with HIV should not use this supplement. Page 6 of 7

Page 7 of 7Echinacea and ginseng are purported to boost immune function. However, both can interact with certain HIV medications. It may be okay to use these supplements depending on the HIV therapy. A healthcare provider should be consulted. Supplements that may be helpful Supplements that may be useful in people with HIV include: calcium and vitamin D to improve bone health fish oil to reduce cholesterol selenium to slow the progression of HIV vitamin B-12 to improve the health of pregnant women and their pregnancies whey or soy protein to help with weight gain The takeaway HIV and AIDS can cause various symptoms, and some alternative treatments could help provide relief. But when considering alternative treatment options, people with these conditions should always talk to their healthcare provider first. A healthcare provider can help prevent any potential drug interactions and perhaps suggest other options that could help reduce symptoms. For people living with HIV or AIDS, working with a healthcare provider is the best way to explore options to help improve their health and well-being. Page 7 of 7