Welcome , We salute you from The black Military & Allied International Force , Royal Commission Squadron , Royal Commission Government, Father Lee Foundation . Allied Is a International Force With Supreme Commander Autokrator with degrees in Cosmotology ,Chief Justice , Sussera A1 & A1 Advance marksman sharpshooter Executioner Chief of Police , & Government General Kevin "Cigs' Lee a.n.a Lloyd Been ,and Commander in Allied International force Affiars Mission s and operation Lil Tut God Medusa Derrick Elam completeing mission now Global Revamp with the world being paved with astro turf and Luxury Business Modern & Sophisticated housing no less free and placed free on abandoned land , mountain beeing flatten for more space . Luxury , Business , Sophisticated , Train station system all over the world even the west Indies has Trans Alantic the West Indian Railways Lloyd Been Station , Free boiler system with the most advance technology in the world Sewer system free replacement in every country also Fighting the War on Apartheid and Geniside world wide now by force to place housing in Third World Country's.paid for by the Royal Commission Government .
Father Lee Foundation
The Revamp of Foster Care
"Children are the Future and the future is bright"
Baisley School Park
Recent Public Schools Equipment Update
Allied International Force is a registered International force and military assembled by the Chief Autokrator Kevin "Cigs" Lee proven by law and Medical science to be Jesus Christ and Lloyd been. A Autokrator is training and a ancient commander who's commanding role and rank is to rule in military or International force . With missions complete like The Persion War Ww1, Vietnam war / WW2 execution of hitler , FREEING Nelson Mandela from asylum making Asylums illegal in the world ,the execution of OSAMA BIN LADEN . South Korea Kim Jung-Un missiles project vanishing on launch day .U.s. DRONE strike killing bagdad Iranaian Qasem Soleimani execution of militas. Preternatural mission clearing underground underworlds , Dungeons and Mason holes world wide bringing thousand of years of artifacts , art , golden challis back etc.to land freeing souls and spirits & people from these under worlds. With many military assembled Allied international force is the biggest military in the world with Ally power like Commander King William of the Royal Army , Boyscouts, Junior Scouts ,Men Scouts , Original Calvry ,Royal Commission Gov
