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Brooklyn Criminal court rushed by the Royal Commission Squadron for stealing Forbes richesman wealth

Allied International Forces Royal Commission Squadron did a rush proceedure entering Brooklyn criminal court IN New York City where court officers created a capital offence by denying a military office proper entry to court changing court procedure is sidating another capital offence cap in a Execution mission on preternatural harbored by court officers and court officials and a resistance of American pride because of the filed document in the United Nations granted order to remove the United States Government and Congress and Politics from power in America .30 officers rushed the Brooklyn courts armed with barbarian training with exceptions by hand and by shooting legal procedures for military training . Days ago hundreds of celebritys disowned family of ex-friends of the World's richest man by . Who is Kevin Lee America King the first man reincarnated according to History and the book "Reincarnegro" 400 million sold , medical test on organs filed in court lawsuit etc . The courts have been operating illegal for years with curropt judges who overturned sealed case . The World richest man Kevin Lee who is Lloyd Been or Yusef of the 84' and 70' ,King Albert , Dr Dre , boxer Ricky Balboa Former family like Gmacc are Lying informants with celebritys came up with a scheme to steal con for years dwelling on people's disbelief in Reincarnation .


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